A partnership to support your mental wellbeing
As providers of Community Connections, we’re committed to offering easy access to free,
first-class and long-term mental health support in the Surrey community.
What is Community Connections?
Community Connections is a free service available to Surrey residents (aged 16+) experiencing mental health or emotional wellbeing difficulties. We offer individual support through goal setting sessions, as well as access to a wide range of wellbeing activities and peer support delivered in small groups, both online and face-to-face. We also provide advice and information about financial issues affecting your wellbeing.
How we help
Community Connections is
a free service available
to Surrey residents
(aged 16+) experiencing mental health or
emotional wellbeing difficulties.
Your provider
Community Connections
is available throughout Surrey delivered by
three different
providers depending
on which borough
you live in.
Crisis support
If you are feeling overwhelmed and that you can no longer carry on, you may be experiencing a mental health crisis. It is important you reach out for help!

“I have been attending the groups and I am meeting people in similar situations which allows us to share our lived experiences and coping strategies, I am learning more about mental health, I am getting out much more and my confidence and self-esteem is
slowly but surely increasing.”
Community Connections client
Who provides the service?
Community Connections is delivered by three main providers across Surrey.
We offer a range of support, tailored to local needs. Find your closest provider:
Catalyst Support
Click below for Community Connections support in:
Guildford, Waverley,
Surrey Heath, Spelthorne, Runnymede and Woking
Mary Frances Trust
Click below for Community Connections support in: